Thursday, 30 June 2016

Othello, Act 5, Scene 1

How does Shakespeare create a sense of fear and confusion in Act 5 scene 1? Consider:
    • Setting
    • Language
    • Structure of lines
    • Use of characters
    • Other dramatic methods
Shakespeare creates a sense of fear and confusion through a number of dramatic methods he uses in this extract. The extract begins with Rodrigo and Iago in Cyprus on a street. It is nighttime shrouded in mystery and darkness. Throughout Shakespeare uses the night as a dramatic method to foreshadow death, violence and evoke fear. One of Aristotle's criteria for a tragedy is Pathos, this is the ability to evoke pity and fear. In this scene Shakespeare evokes fear from the audience due to the uncertainty that the night and darkness bring. The audience recognise this due to the opening scene where Rodrigo and Iago are shouting outside Brabantio's house and confusion is created. Another scene that reinforces the audiences suspicion is Iago getting Cassio  drunk during Othellos wedding celebrations where a brawl is started.

The extract is towards the end of the play and starts with Rodrigo  discussing killing Cassio with Iago. A sense of confusion is created through Rodrigo's language that shows uncertainty and presents him as one of Iagos mere puppets. Rodrigo says:

'I have no great devotion to the deed,
And yet he hath given me satisfying reasons.
’Tis but a man gone. Forth my sword; he dies.'

Rodrigo does not understand why he is killing Cassio but does not entirely question Iago and the 'deed' he must commit to. Rodrigo is only thinking about the telos of the action and his prize of Desdemona. Iago once again manipulates Roderigo and makes him believe something that is a lie. 

For the first time in the whole play Shakespeare presents Iago as a character that is fearful because his plan can fall apart at any moment due to Rodrigo saying he will ask for all of his gifts back from Desdemona. However, this is very ironic as Iago has not been giving Desdemona any of Rodrigo's gifts but has just been pocketing them and coin for his personal gain. Even when Iago's plan is in the mist of falling away he is still presented as a powerful characters through his strength of manipulation and determination:

I have rubb’d this young quat almost to the sense,
And he grows angry. Now, whether he kill Cassio,
Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other,
Every way makes my gain. Live Roderigo,
He calls me to a restitution large
Of gold and jewels that I bobb’d from him
As gifts to Desdemona;
It must not be. If Cassio do remain,
He hath a daily beauty in his life
That makes me ugly; and besides, the Moor
May unfold me to him; there stand I in much peril.
No, he must die. Be’t so. I hear him coming.

Above Iago takes part in an aside where he explains he thoughts and feelings towards Cassio. Jealousy, a key theme is evident in this small part as Iago explains his jealousy and intimidation that Cassio socially  indirectly inflicts on Iago. Some people may also interpret this as fear. Iago is a motiveless malignity that has no reason for his actions, however it can be interpreted that Iago enjoys disrupting the social hierarchy and wants a promotion, specifically Cassio's job as Iago feels it has been stolen from him.

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Monday, 20 June 2016

Othello Act 4, Scene 3 questions

Desdemona and Emilia 
1. There are many differences shown in Act 4, Scene 3 between Desdemona and Emilia. Desdemona is very naive and passive and complicit in her own downfall due to not taking an active role herself to discover the truth.Desdemona simple acts as the perfect, obedient Elizabethan woman. Contrastingly  though Emilia takes an active role and wants answers to why Othello is behaving in such a way and treating Desdemona in this way. Emilia is opinionated and presented to be strong and decisive. Emilia described previously exactly the deception which is occurring in the play but is yet to conclude that it is Iago behind it all.

2. Emilia does not mention the hankercheif to Desdemona, this may be because they are very distant from each other due to being from different social classes. Desdemona is a senators daughter and is marries to Othello a well respected general but Emilia is only an employee for Desdemona. This makes Desdemona's and Emilia's relationship strictly professional. However there is one scene when Desdemona sings 'Sing Willow' with Emilia, where for the first time they become so near to becoming close. After the song Emilia tells naive Desdemona just who the world is. Emilia does not want to discomfort Desdemona but provide an older comforting voice.   Iago's and Emilia's relationship is very abusive. Iago does not pay any attention to Emilia and treats her poorly. Emilia gave the handkerchief to Iago to please him and is an arguable a last attempt to reconcile their marriage in a hope of one good night together. 

Thinking question:
“Desdemona is presented in the play as a sexual subject who hears and desires, and that desire is punished because the non-specular (not reflective; different) or non-phallic sexuality it displays is frightening and dangerous.”- Karen Newman: Femininity and the monstrous in Othello.

To what extent do you agree with this view? Discuss and write down your ideas.

In Othello is can be argued that Desdemona is presented as as sexual subject due to her conversation with Emilia that reveals a non specular sexual side to her that is not previously shown in the play. Desdemona before meeting Othello, was a pure, white virgin the "perfect" Elizabethan woman.  Now she is married with Othello she is presented as a non-specular Elizabethan woman due to taking an active role in her and Othello's sex life which in these times is un-heard of. Men by the ideologies of the time are strong, active and dominant and this continues into the bedroom. Desdemona takes a different and controversial role when she asks Emilia to: 'Lay on my bed my wedding sheets'. These sheets are significant and are a symbol of Desdemona loosing her purity and innocence. By Desdemona wanting these sheets on her bed shows a romantic but also a sexual; non-specular woman which is frightening and dangerous because of the society in which she lives. 

Othello and Iago

1. Adrian Lester believe Othello has been since the age of seven.

2. Adrian Lester believes Othello is not born into a 'sense of nobility'. Adrian Lester thinks this impacts the character as it makes him very aware to people around him and his appearances. 

3. Othello's status increases in Venice through marrying Desdemona a senators daughter and is set to inherit all of his wealth. 

4. Rory Kinnear says Iago is disgruntled with Othello because he made Cassio his lieutenant rather then Iago .This annoys Iago as he believes Cassio is being given everything on a plate. This is significant as Othello and Iago were very close and Iago was Othello's most trusted friend who shared many of the horrors of war together. 

5. Othello and Iago have in common that they have both experienced the horrors of war together and have both started from the bottom and worked their way up, according to Rory Kenner. 

6. In the video around 4.20, Rory Kenner lists some of the ways Iago aims to bring down Othello and Cassio through: he is the agent of destruction, legitimate grievances, insinuation, getting people on side to ensure the most horrendous revenge on Othello.